Part 1 : Question 3

From the story above so far, how many victims are there? Explain.

Definitely more than one victims. This is because the clues and evidence provided in the article are very vague. However, from what the medical examiner, Dr. Rudi Kurniawan's statement, there is at least one male skeleton found in the crime scene. He might have found other pieces of skulls, jaw parts and other bones which belongs to more than one person.

However, we have conducted a survey on this question to obtain more opinions from the public.
Voting period : 24/10/2012 - 30/10/2012

A total of 56 votes were collected. Majority of the votes leans towards 2 and 3 victims with a percentage of 59% and 32% respectively. Only 1 candidate voted for 1 victim and 4 candidates for 4 victims. There is no vote for more than 5 victims.

Hence, we can almost certainly conclude that there would be more than 1 victim involved. However, we do not have sufficient evidence to make further conclusions on the exact number of victims. Perhaps if we are to be given the rest of the story we would be able to determine the actual number of victims in this case.

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  1. you got the point! I like your way of finding answer by survey! very well done guys!

  2. Thank you Dr. :) :) :) Hope you enjoy reading our blog!! XD
